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Career 1991–2010 īlack began his career as a member of the comedy group The State and was featured on the television show of the same name on MTV. He continued working with members of that group on the show Viva Variety in the role of 'Johnny Bluejeans', and in the film Wet Hot American Summer, directed by frequent collaborator David Wain.īlack also appeared on VH1's I Love the. Series, his comedy troupe Stella, and in various TV series and films.

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From 1998 to 2000, he was the puppeteer and voice actor for the sock puppet, was featured in commercials for Sierra Mist, hosted the first season of NBC's hidden-camera show Spy TV, made several appearances in the film Big Helium Dog, and had a supporting role on the NBC dramedy Ed, later becoming the mascot for BarNone. He would later describe his experience as the sock puppet as “painful but fun”. His dry, sarcastically irreverent commentary on pop culture artifacts on VH1's I Love the '70s/ '80s/ '90s/ New Millennium series added to his and the shows' popularity.

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